Phirestream Help

Phirestream with Instaclustr

Phirestream can redact PHI, PII, and other sensitive information from data streams in Apache Kafka running on Instaclustr.

This guide requires you have an Apache Kafka cluster running in Instaclustr. Refer to the Create a Kafka Cluster documentation in Instaclustr’s documentation.

Launch Phirestream

If you have not already, launch a Phirestream instance through the AWS Marketplace. You can deploy Phirestream into the same VPC and subnets used by Instaclustr for the Apache Kafka cluster.

Connect Phirestream to the Instaclustr Kafka Brokers

Once Phirestream has launched, open an SSH connection into the instance.

ssh -i privatekey.pem ubuntu@phirestream-ip

Now we need to edit Phirestream’s settings to specify the list of Kafka brokers. Open the /opt/phirestream/config/ file.

sudo nano /opt/phirestream/

Look for the kafka.bootstrap.servers setting. Set the value of that setting to your broker addresses, for example:


Next, save and close the settings file. Restart Phirestream for the change to take affect.

sudo systemctl restart phirestream

Phirestream is now ready to receive data via its Kafka-compliant REST API. The redacted text will be written to the Kafka cluster on the appropriate topic.

Last modified: 08 November 2023